2025 Bay Club Members
- Martine Baker
- Jana Barberio
- Sharon Carrick
- Sylvia Darrow
- Jean Delcher
- Lynne DeMinco
- Ella Ennis
- Barbara Freilich
- Patty Hammond
- Lisa Herman
- Jana Davis Hobbs
- Jean Hruz
- Karen McKinley
- Liliana Norkaitis
- Carol Randall
- Kim Rosado
- Gary Ruddell LLC
- Luanne Ruddell
- Anne Rutherford
- Linda Stine Flint
- Anne White
- Donna Zupancic
- RW Leaders of Calvert
- RW of Cecil County
- Chevy Chase WRC
- RW of Frederick County
- Garrett County RWC
- Harford County RW
- Patuxent RW
- RW of St Mary's
- Wicomico Conservative RW
- RW of Worcester County
MFRW Bay Club 2025 -- It's RENEWAL TIME!
What does it mean to be a Bay Club member?
The BAY CLUB is a donor group supporting the work of the Maryland Federation of Republican Women. It is open to all -- MFRW members, friends, family and businesses.
Your 2025 membership will fund MFRW efforts to increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government, inform the public through political education and activity, and elect Republicans at all levels of government.
Bay Club members enjoy special events, often coinciding with MFRW's Spring Board meeting and Fall Convention.
Valid January 1 through December 31, 2025.