

Standing Committees

Article VIII Section 1 of the MFRW Bylaws establishes eight standing committees.  The chair of each standing committee is a voting member of the MFRW Board of Directors.  

Feel free to contact the committee chair with questions and suggestions or if you would like to join the committee.


Liliana Norkaitis, Chair

The Bylaws committee assists clubs with their bylaws, accepts suggestions for changes to the MFRW bylaws, and presents recommendations for bylaws changes to the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, and to the membership at convention.


Rebecca Tittermary, Chair

The Communications committee publicizes MFRW events and the Republican platform. They manage our communication channels (Facebook, Twitter, Mail Chimp, etc) and keep members advised.


Anne White, Chair

The Finance committee proposes a budget, tracks income and expenditures throughout the year, and presents financial recommendations to the Executive Committee.


Maria Sofia, Chair

The Fundraising committee identifies and coordinates fundraising opportunities organizes donor programs and special events.


Ella Ennis, Chair

The Legislative committee monitors bills proposed by federal and state legislators, providing written and oral testimony. They research topics of interest and publish literature that presents the Republican position and the basis for that position. The committee uses MFRW’s communication channels to inform others about bills of concern and shows them how they can participate in the legislative process.


Julie Krieger, Chair

The Membership committee researches membership programs and activities, conducts membership contests, and helps clubs increase their membership by sharing ideas that have been successful for other clubs.

Political Activities

Tracey Longo, Chair

The Political Activities committee offers guidance to clubs and individual members for election activities, promotes voter registration and voter contacts, coordinates campaign management activities, and coordinates MFRW efforts with local, state and federal campaigns. The Political Activities chair is the MFRW’s contact with our Republican legislators and the Maryland Republican Party.


Anne Rutherford, Chair

The Program committee scouts locations for statewide events, works with relevant committee chair(s) to determine needs, and presents to the Executive Committee (location, costs, logistics, etc.) for a final decision. The committee oversees logistics at the event.

Special Committees

Article VIII Section 2 of the MFRW Bylaws allows the MFRW President to establish those special committees deemed necessary to accomplish the work of the organization. The chair of each special committee is a non-voting member of the MFRW Board of Directors.

Feel free to contact the committee chair with questions and suggestions or if you would like to join the committee.

We currently have four special committees:


Jean Hruz, Chair

The Americanism committee explores opportunities to inspire patriotism in our members and our communities by fostering respect for the American flag and allegiance to the United States, its customs and its institutions. They are a resource for club programs and volunteer opportunities.


Barb Pivec, Chair

The Awards committee receives and verifies annual club awards submissions then presents MFRW club achievement awards at our Spring Board of Directors meeting. The committee also facilitates submission of the NFRW’s biennial club and state awards, which are presented every two years at NFRW’s Biennial Convention.


Liz Mumford, Chair

The Literacy committee is your source for activities (book club, host an author, essay contest, etc.) that promote literacy. Clubs are encouraged to donate books to local libraries, senior centers and similar organizations. You can find the MELP (Mamie Eisenhower Library Project) Recommended Book List in the “Members” section of the NFRW website. Clubs are encouraged to report their donations to the committee, which can provide bookplates for your donations.


MFRW’s quarterly newsletter

Carol Randall
Anne White

Carol and Anne share Trumpeter responsibilities. They welcome articles and photographs of club activities. Send your information when available. Deadline for submissions is generally the 1st of the month – March, June, September and December.