Legislative Priorities

Legislative Priorities


A Department of Legislative Services fiscal briefing in January 2024 projected that deficits directly attributable to the Blueprint for the Future will appear in 2025 and reach nearly $2.9B in fiscal 2029.


a.  Altering the Blueprint for the Future.  The plan does not require that students perform at grade level and adds extra layers of bureaucratic control.  It limits parental involvement and does not require parental knowledge or consent for education, social and health services.

b.  Fewer administrators : more teachers -- fewer consultants : more tutors

c. Education reform emphasizing the basics, with the goal of every child performing at grade level.

  • Recent proficiency rates for students:
    • Language Arts -- 48.4% MCAP proficient -- 2023-2024 school year (grades 3-8)
    • Mathematics -- 24.1% MCAP proficient -- 2023-2024 school year (grades 3-8)
    • Reading -- 33% NAEP proficient -- 8th grade students (2022)
    • Science -- 23.9% MCAP proficient -- 5th grade students (2024)

d. School choice (vouchers, charter schools, home schooling).

e. Limit girls' competitive sports to biological girls.  Disproportional muscle mass and other physiological advantages in trans-identifying males increase the danger of life-altering injuries to biological girls and give trans-identifying males an unfair competitive advantage.



Teaching, counseling or promoting gender transition in schools, including agreements between Boards of Education and hospitals or clinics for “gender-affirming” counseling, treatments, or surgeries for children under 18 years of age.

Election Integrity


a. Government-issued photo ID requirement for voter registration and voting

b. Vote count accuracy and security


Ranked choice voting

Culture of Life


a. Protection for pain-capable unborn children as a compelling interest of the state.

b. Education and action to address the deadly rise in fentanyl trafficking and fentanyl overdoses.

c. More effective treatment (vs. incarceration) for opioid addiction.


a. Physician-assisted suicide or “death with dignity” legislation.

b. All attempts to apply the "Right to Reproductive Freedom" constitutional amendment to gender affirming care or to restrict parental rights as they relate to reproductive care for minors.

Public Safety


a.  Increased training for police officers in non-lethal methods of restraint and control of individuals or groups, including training for de-escalating tense or potentially violent demonstrations.

b. "Back the Blue" -- Overzealous press and prosecutorial decisions have negatively impacted recruitment and retention, resulting in understaffing and reduced enforcement.

c.  Development and implementation of effective tests for drug intoxication, distinct from alcohol intoxication. Statistics need to separate drug from alcohol intoxication.

d.  Strengthened penalties for persons who:

1 -- Physically attack bystanders, police, or other protesters.

2 -- Set fires, destroy private or public property with graffiti or physical destruction, or participate in looting and theft during            protests, demonstrations and riots.

3 -- Use lasers or projectiles (e.g., frozen water bottles, gasoline-bottles, rocks) with the intent to obstruct or harm others.



Modify Maryland's Climate Pollution Reduction Plan to reflect balanced energy policies that provide citizens multiple, reliable and affordable energy choices.

1 -- The timeline for new and increased energy sources is out of sync with increased demand for electricity required by Plan mandates.

2 -- Mandates are excessively costly and unfairly limit citizens' right to choose where and how they live (e.g. all electric homes, electric vehicles only).

3 -- Zoning changes that would allow increased density or auxiliary dwelling units in communities of stand-alone single-family homes must remain with the local government authority, not be usurped by the state.

4 -- The Plan will burden businesses (especially manufacturing and agriculture) with costly modifications, leading to higher prices for all.


Repeal of the annual Consumer Price Index increases to Maryland's motor fuel tax.

The new electric vehicle surcharge is far less than a fair share of transportation construction and maintenance costs when compared to fuel tax paid by gas and diesel vehicles.​​ A replacement (not additional) funding source is needed for Maryland's fuel taxes.